Healing Sessions       Sound Bath       Workshops       Sound Healing Yoga       Instruments


Sessions include:
* Bowl massage & gong bath
* Himalayan sound therapies
* Intuitive vibrational attunement

Both modern science and ancient spirituality agree that everything in the universe is vibration. It follows that our health and vitality are linked with harmonious resonance in our mind, energy, and body.

The artful playing of singing bowls, gongs, didgeridoo, flute, and a variety of string & percussion instruments has the potential to:
* Restore natural biorhythms (breath, circulation, sleep cycles, circadian rhythms)
* Resolve long-standing blockages (mental, emotional, physical)
* Deepen relaxation for pain relief in muscles, joints, & bones; stress relief in the mind
* Tone and balance the aura (energy body field)
* Soothe and strengthen the nervous system
* Enhance meditative and yogic practices
* Bring insight, clarity, and focus regarding life purpose


Experience the healing radiance of Planetary Gongs, Himalayan singing bowls, didgeridoo, native percussion, toning, and a variety of shamanic instruments.  Relax and receive as sound carries consciousness on a journey of blissful recognition.   Get in touch with your inner tuning and reestablish balance.  Resonate into natural alignment with Source.   Release old patterns, raise your vibration, and rejuvenate yourself.  Explore the cosmic resonance within.


These days sound healing is on the rise. More and more people are recognizing that ‘sound is medicine.’ We all know that the music we love makes us feel good. Sound healing makes it possible to intentionally apply vibration for our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual thriving.

Singing bowls are remarkable tools of transformation that can be used for tuning and activating our energy systems. Their simple design allows for intuitive playing by anyone open to their vast potential. Bowls also complement most healing modalities (including reiki & massage), and enhance meditative and yogic practices. They serve as an excellent entrance into the healing and contemplative arts, and inspire further deepening.

Level One: 

In the level 1 training, we explore the healing power of sound through the art of playing singing bowls. This is a hands-on immersion offering practical ways to activate and relate with these beautiful instruments. We learn experientially from both facilitating and receiving various healing processes. Our practice is rooted in Himalayan technique as well as intuition and creativity.

Our topics include:
* sound healing principles
* bowl playing techniques
* visualization & meditation w/sound
* intuitive flow
* toning, mantra, & intention setting w/sound
* intro sound massage on and around the body

Level Two: Expanded Bowl Massage, Bell and Tingchaw playing techniques, Integration of bowls into yoga & sound baths

Level Three: Traditional Himalayan Balancing and Opening Therapies, Intuitive vibrational attunement


Explore the healing and yogic dimensions of sound.  Each class includes elements of Gong Yoga – a unique practice originated by Gong Master Don Conreaux. Principles of chi flow, cosmic sound, and astrology guide our journey through a series of exercises designed to attune, transform, and rejuvenate our entire being.  Through movement, breath work, and intention, we activate the healing correspondences between our physical, emotional, and subtle bodies.   Each session includes sound meditations and culminates in an extended shavasana sound bath, set to the vibrations of Planetary Gongs, Himalayan singing bowls, didgeridoo, native percussion, chanting, and more.



Himalayan Singing Bowls, hand-forged seven-metal alloy, made on the full moon, carved with mantras & symbols

Hand-hammered Himalayan Gongs, seven metal alloy, carved with mantras & symbols

Bells, Tingchaws, Conch Shells, Chimes

contact: resonantsoundscapes@gmail.com


Mother's Garden - California's first Starhenge

This world peace bell garden is a place for ceremonial performance art and community healing - to gather, dream, share, and celebrate together. Inspired by Don Conreaux’s Starhenge Design Science, it is comprised of painted stone circles representing various calendar and divination systems from around the planet. The idea is to harmonize humanity's diverse perspectives into a unified whole - seeking to honor and understand one another through dialogue, and to practice a vision of planetary peace inspired by Robert Muller:

“The first 24-hour day of world peace will come when people around the world will gather together in circles, hold hands and give thanks for life and breath, while listening to all the gongs and bells of peace ring together around our planet earth.”

One way to connect with the purpose and power of Starhenge is through teachings on Native American Medicine Wheels:

“Wherever they are, however they are created, [medicine wheels] will always gather people in unity and community of mind, regardless of their background or religious beliefs. Circles of Earth offer a great way of moving beyond differences and provide an effective path for truly meeting together at the very heart of Earth….The wheel is a place to meet and marry all the disagreements and misunderstandings [harnessing what Dane Rudhyar calls “dissonant harmony”] within the context of the Council wheels.”

“Collectively, wheels share with us one of the most valuable understandings of all - the true meeting of our brothers and sisters in the great hoop of this world. As we all stand around the wheel, we can hear the stories of everyone and enlarge our own perspectives by putting ourselves in others’ moccasins.” (from Dreaming the Council Ways)

In the context of Starhenge, we can tune in and vibrate together, share our resonant perspectives, and creatively embody this movement towards world peace by enacting Gong Mystery plays, sacred tone improvisation, and ceremonial performance art. The simple while profound shape of the garden - the circle within the circle within the circle - empowers participants with the ever-expanding and inclusive awareness of the Gong ~ capable of bridging vast gulfs of time, space, and understanding.

Here are some reflections on the Starhenge Universal Peace Garden project that was initiated in October 2018:
Wow, what a week we had together in the Joshua Tree desert!  I’m deeply moved by what we accomplished as a group, and what was created through our willingness to show up for a process far greater than our individual visions.  Thanks for answering the call and stepping into the Mystery ~ to all those who participated in person, and those who supported from afar with their love.

California has a Starhenge!  I’m sure that “Mother’s Garden” will be an important node in the global web of peace gardens, and bloom into an amazing resource for ceremonial performance art and community healing.  I feel that we prepared the soil for much beauty and exploration to come.

Thank you to our friends for opening their land to this training/project/experience, and for their enthusiasm around stewarding this garden into the future.  Their relationship with Mother and all things divinely feminine inspired us all to soften into Her wise guidance and support.  We were surely held in Her embrace throughout the ups and down that inevitably emerge when such a massive project is initiated.

How auspicious that a large part of the week corresponded with Navaratri - the 9 nights of honoring the Goddess celebrated in Hindu traditions.  And what a blessing that we were able to extend this gratitude to other goddess traditions, and dedicate the garden to their flourishing.

It also felt essential that we honored the local indigenous presence ~ Cahuilla and other first nations here on Turtle Island.  Let’s continue our commitment to anchoring this presence in the garden.  Gracias as well for the sharing of Mayan wisdom that occurred ~ introducing us to a vital galactic culture that can bridge the garden to the stars.

A huge thank you to maestro Don Conreaux for visiting us here out West and sharing his heartfelt sruti songs, gong myths, and geomantic insights!  It is always an honor to Gong together.  His passionate dedication to seeding gong consciousness through teaching, playing, and peace gardening is well-received.  We are all the more poised to surf the 4th ray of sound healing to 2025 and beyond!